Monday, May 20, 2013

Gocek to Wall Bay to Fethiye to Capi Creek and back to Gocek

Wednesday 15 May
Lovely day and a swim in the sea before lunch and heading off towards Fethiye.  After a two hour trip we decided to try Letoonia Hotel quay for the night.  After a couple of embarrassing attempts to drop the anchor and reverse into quite a large space between two gulets we were informed that we were welcome to stay but at a cost of 50Euros each (not including FCP) and for this we would have full use of all the facilities including all meals and drinks.  It seemed like a good idea and we were soon on our way to a very nice swimming pool which the FCP enjoyed hugely.  Personally I felt as if I had arrived in the last place on earth that I wanted to be - where was the romantic little cove for the evening and the rustic restaurant (entirely forgetting that although we had thoroughly enjoyed our lamb the night before we had also felt slightly ripped off by the price of it and the wine).  The whole complex is absolutely enormous and as it is fairly early in the season here it did not appear to have that many guests until we went for dinner in the evening..............but it was a Turkish food night and it was very good.

Thursday 16 May
Feeling slightly happier about the whole thing today and enjoyed the morning at the pool in lovely sunshine.  We left in the afternoon after the FCP had had her nap and crossed over to the marina in Fethiye town just for the night.  The Captain and I stayed here last October and knew what to expect but the whole place is a little run down and I don't think we will return here unless out of necessity.

Friday 17 May
Weather not so good today as although very warm it was completely overcast and the crew were a little out of sorts. The situation was not helped by the lazy line getting caught on the propeller - fortunately one of the mariners (Mariner staff) stripped off and rescued the situation by cutting the line for us.  We headed back to Gocek bay and to Capi Creek for the night.  We were there by early afternoon and as it was Friday night we were eventually joined by numerous other boats populated by weekenders from Istanbul and to make things even worse a swarm of flies - a little like hover flies - which although they didn't bite were really annoying.  As we were tied up to a pontoon belonging to the restaurant in the bay it is more or less obligatory to eat there - it was interesting to watch the interaction between the people from Istanbul and the restaurant staff - they treated them imperiously (I thought they were rude) and the staff could not do enough for them - it would not happen in the UK. But because we were reasonably behaved towards them they weren't bothered about us! and I began to think that the 'all inclusive' hotel Letoonia was attractive after all.

Saturday 18 May
A short trip back to D-Marin marina in Gocek and everyone happy to have left Capi Creek - don't think we will be going back there either.  We sent the crew off to the beach (minus the FCP who was having a much needed nap) so they could have a peaceful afternoon and we joined them later when the FCP was feeling refreshed,  I hesitate to say that she had been demoted by the whole crew to TCP (Third Class Passenger) because as the week progressed she had become more and more demanding and less amenable to any reasonable suggestions. But her swimming has progressed amazingly and she swims (with her arms bands) very confidently and she is after all only 2 and a half.

Sunday 19 May
Last day for the crew today and a trip to the market in Gocek which everyone enjoyed and the afternoon on the beach again before they left at 7 p.m. All in all a lovely week but I think the crew were pleased to be going home to their own beds and routine. 

Monday 20 May
We have decided to stay one more day to catch up with ourselves and a peaceful afternoon on the beach before heading off east tomorrow towards Kalkan and Kas. It is now very quiet, tidy and a bit empty on board. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, glad you had a good week with crew and FCP despite the odd behaviour problem, happens to us all. Sorry for lack of communication but been too cold to function until today when the sun actually appeared, so in the garden trying to get the weeds under control. Safari only 3 weeks away. Tom has found somewhere to buy so got everything crossed that it will all go through, but he has obviously been a bit stressed about it all as he has Shingles! Make the most of the sun and warmth as I can't see us having a brilliant summer. Lots love from me and a very happy Chelsea supporter. !
